Tuesday, July 7, 2009

012 Window Wheel Mechanism - Part #1

In this video tutorial, a Window accessory is modeled and assembled using Pro/E. It is mainly composed of sheet metal having a thickness of 1.5 mm. It has a small wheel moving forward and backwards. Actually, this tutorial is a kind of reverse engineering tutorial because I got this window accessory, disassembled it and modeled it. In this tutorial, several sheet metal techniques are introduced. So I hope this could be of benefit for those who are interested in sheet metal modeling. This mechanism is long and is, thus, divided into several parts. Today, we will start with part #1. Shown below are the pictures of the main window accessory (assembled) and each part separately is also shown.

Main window wheel Accessory

Main window wheel Accessory (2nd view)

Outer Container

Outer Container (2nd view)

First Hinge Part

First Hinge Part (2nd view)

Second Hinge Part

Second Hinge Part (2nd view)

Detailed Drawing of the wheel part

This wheel is modeled using two simple steps:

  1. The main cross section of the wheel is modeled and then revolved about the inner axis.
  2. The inner groove of the wheel is sketched on the perpindicular plane and then revolved.

Here is the video that shows the modeling of this wheel using Pro/E:

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